Smart Banner v2
AppsFlyer provides a Smart Banner SDK that advertisers integrate into their websites. The purpose of the SDK is to pull all the required data to dynamically display the Smart Banners. The Smart Banners SDK also automatically builds the proper attribution links, so you don't need to build them manually.
Therefore, the Smart Banner SDK should be accessible from all pages displaying your mobile banners.
The Smart Banner SDK authenticates using the unique Web key, which you can get from the Website workplace.
Smart banners only
You can either copy the smart banner script from the AppsFlyer dashboard or from below.
Copy the script code snippet in one of the following ways:
- Copy the script from the Smart Banner’s Website workplace in the AppsFlyer dashboard. Your web key is already included in the script.
- Copy the script from the the code snippet below and replace YOUR_WEB_KEY placeholder in the script with your Web key. The web key is created when you create a new Website workplace.
p.parentNode.insertBefore(o,p)}(window,document,"script",0,"AF","banners",{banners: {key: ">>>>>YOUR_WEB_KEY<<<<"}});
// Smart Banners are by default set to the max z-index value, so they won't be hidden by the website elements. This can be changed if you want some website components to be on top of the banner.
AF('banners', 'showBanner');
- Paste the code snippet in the
tag on your website. Make sure to paste it near the top of thehead
method at the end of installation code can take more parameters. Learn more
Smart banners and People-Based Attribution
- Replace the YOUR_WEB_KEY placeholder in the script with your Web key. The web key is created when you create a new Website workplace.
- Replace the YOUR_PBA_KEY placeholder in the script with your web dev key. The web dev key is created when you create a brand bundle.
- Paste this code snippet in the head tag on your website. Make sure to paste it near the top of the head tag.
p.parentNode.insertBefore(o,p)}(window,document,"script",0,"AF", "pba,banners",{pba: {webAppId: "YOUR_PBA_KEY"}, banners: {key: "YOUR_WEB_KEY"}});
// Smart Banners are by default set to the max z-index value, so they won't be hidden by the website elements. This can be changed if you want some website components to be on top of the banner.
AF('banners', 'showBanner', { bannerZIndex: 1000, additionalParams: { p1: "v1", p2: "v2"}});
Control Smart Banner font
Using the same font in the smart banner as the rest of the website creates a consistent and cohesive visual identity for your brand.
In order to change the default font in the Smart Banner, you need to add the following rule to your CSS
[data-af-custom-fonts="af-creatives-text"] {
font-family: PUT-YOUR-CUSTOM-FONT-HERE !important;
[data-af-custom-fonts="af-creatives-text"] {
font-family: museo-sans !important;
- The
is required- Make sure that the font is already loaded in your website
- The custom font will apply to all banners on the website
- If the font doesn't display correctly, resave your banner in the creative editor
AF('banners', 'showBanner', { bannerContainerQuery: String,
bannerZIndex: Integer,
additionalParams: <Key, Value Dictionary>);
Don't use this function when implementing Smart Banners in a wrapper/hybrid app to load the banner page from the app (and not from the browser), as using
will display the banner within the app. If you do useshowBanner
for a wrapper/hybrid app, usehideBanner
for mobile app loads.
类型 | 名称 | 描述 |
String | bannerContainerQuery | If passed, the SDK tries to locate an element in the page with this query and treats it as the entry point for the banner placement. Otherwise, document.body is used. |
Integer | bannerZIndex | Smart Banners are by default set to the max z-index value, so they won't be hidden by the website elements. This can be changed if you want some website components to be on top of the banner. |
<Key, Value Dictionary> | additionalParams | If passed, these keys and values (for example, deep_link_value: apples ) are added as query parameters to the OneLink URL. |
Usage examples
- Add parameters to the OneLink URL
AF('banners', 'showBanner', { additionalParams: { deep_link_value: "apples", deep_link_sub1: "22", af_adset: "my_adset"}});
- Set Z-index of this banner and a container Id for its placement
AF('banners', 'showBanner', { bannerContainerQuery: "#my-container-id"
bannerZIndex: 999});
AF('banners', 'updateParams', { <Key, Value Dictionary> });
Programmatically add up to 10 parameters (for example, deep_link_value
) to the OneLink URL assigned to the call-to-action (CTA) button, after the banner displays.
The input is an object with parameter keys and values.
A key can’t have an empty value.
A key can’t be named: undefined, null, NaN, or arg
Invalid characters:
Key: /, \, *, !, @, #, ?, $, %, ^, &, ~, ``, =, +, ', ", ;, :, >, <
Value = \, ;, $, >, <, ^, #, ``
- The parameters are added as query parameters to the OneLink URL.
- When you use updateParams to add parameters, the impression URL is different than the click URL.
- Parameters added don’t replace those on the original OneLink URL. If the parameter you add is already in the OneLink URL, it doesn’t change.
- If updateParams is called more than once, only the parameters from the last call are added to the URL.
类型 | 名称 | 描述 |
<Key, Value Dictionary> | N/A | These keys and values (for example, deep_link_value: apples ) are added as query parameters to the OneLink URL. |
Usage examples
- Add parameters to the OneLink URL
AF('banners', 'updateParams', { deep_link_value: "new_param", deep_link_sub4: "gg_77", af_ad: "new_ad_param"});
AF('banners', 'hideBanner');
Programmatically remove any displayed banner from the page (e.g. after a certain user input).
Usage examples
- Hide banner
AF('banners', 'hideBanner');
Traits and Limitations
特点 | 备注 |
Single page application (SPA) | Smart Banners are by default only displayed once, even if users navigate between pages. To display banners when users navigate between pages, you need to manually call hideBanner and showBanner for every navigation that doesn't reload the page and trigger the Smart Banners default logic. |
已更新 9 months ago