iOS deferred deep linking with iOS Private Relay
iOS 15上线后,Apple向iCloud+用户提供Private Relay(保密传送)服务,用户可通过此功能对其网页浏览记录加密并隐藏其确切地址、IP地址及其浏览内容。如果用户启用了Private Relay,可能会对归因及延迟深度链接产生干扰。也就是说,如果未安装应用的用户从App Store安装并打开应用后, Private Relay会阻止其跳转到应用中的具体页面。
- 【推荐】App Clip方案:您可以创建一个App Clip(苹果小程序),然后通过这个App Clip来获取用户归因数据,并为用户提供定制化的App Clip体验,这跟DDL能实现的功能一样。您还可以在App Clip中添加一条路径,把用户从App Clip引导到完整版应用。
- 剪贴板方案:创建一个落地页,用来复制URL中的延迟深度链接的数据,并让用户跳转到应用中指定的页面。请注意:此方案不能解决归因问题。
App Clip解决方案
前期准备:接入AppsFlyer SDK V6.4.0或以上版本
请按以下步骤配置基于App Clip的DDL方案:
- Follow the Apple instructions and develop an App Clip that provides the desired user journey.
- Integrate the AppsFlyer SDK for App Clips, including App Clip-to-full app attribution.
- In the App Clip
:- Replace
continue userActivity
with the following function:
- Replace
func scene(_ scene: UIScene, continue userActivity: NSUserActivity) {
// Must for AppsFlyer attrib
AppsFlyerLib.shared().continue(userActivity, restorationHandler: nil)
//Get the invocation URL from the userActivity in order to add it to the shared user default
guard userActivity.activityType == NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb,
let invocationURL = userActivity.webpageURL else {
⇲ Github链接:Swift
- 添加以下方法:
func addDlUrlToSharedUserDefaults(_ url: URL){
guard let sharedUserDefaults = UserDefaults(suiteName: "group.<your_app>.appClipToFullApp") else {
//Add invocation URL to the app group
sharedUserDefaults.set(url, forKey: "dl_url")
//Enable sending events
sharedUserDefaults.set(true, forKey: "AppsFlyerReadyToSendEvents")
⇲ Github链接:Swift
- In the full app:
- In
, add the following method:
- In
func deepLinkFromAppClip() {
guard let sharedUserDefaults = UserDefaults(suiteName: "group.<your_app>.appClipToFullApp"),
let dlUrl = sharedUserDefaults.url(forKey: "dl_url")
else {
NSLog("Could not find the App Group or the deep link URL from the app clip")
AppsFlyerLib.shared().performOnAppAttribution(with: dlUrl)
sharedUserDefaults.removeObject(forKey: "dl_url")
⇲ Github链接:Swift
- At the end of the
application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions
method, calldeepLinkFromAppClip
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
// ...
return true
⇲ Github链接:Swift
To set up the clipboard-based solution:
- Enter the following code in
NSString *pasteboardUrl = [[UIPasteboard generalPasteboard] string];
NSString *checkParameter = @"cp_url=true";
if ([pasteboardUrl containsString:checkParameter]) {
[[AppsFlyerLib shared] performOnAppAttributionWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:pasteboardUrl]];
var pasteboardUrl = UIPasteboard.general.string ?? ""
let checkParameter = "cp_url=true"
if pasteboardUrl.contains(checkParameter) {
AppsFlyerLib.shared().performOnAppAttribution(with: URL(string: pasteboardUrl))
- 添加代码,把剪贴板里的延迟深度链接数据粘贴到URL中。该操作不在AppsFlyer SDK的控制范围内。
已更新 11 months ago